Attorney Leone defended a client that was charged with Inhalation of a Toxic Substance, Possession of Class B Drugs, Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle, and Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of Alcohol. Attorney Leone was able to get the OUI charge dismissed after an evidentiary hearing before the Clerk Magistrate, and subsequently argued the merits of the defense of the Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle Charge, the Inhalation of a Toxic Substance Charge, and the Possession of Class B Drugs charge with the Assistant District Attorney. The District Attorney thereafter agreed to dismiss the Possession of Class B charge and the Inhalation of a Toxic Substance Charge, and agreed to a Continued Without A Finding Disposition on the Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle Charge. The fact that Attorney Leone was able to elicit certain facts at the Clerk Magistrate hearing made it unlikely that the District Attorney would be able to prove guilty beyond a reasonable doubt regarding the Possession of Class B charge or the Inhalation of Toxic Substance charge. The fact that Attorney Leone successfully defended the Operating A Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of Alcohol charge and was able to get the District Attorney to agree to dismiss the Possession of Class B charge and the Inhalation of a Toxic Substance charge was of great importance to the client whose prospects for fulfilling his career objectives in his particular field would most certainly have been negatively impacted by a finding of guilt on these charges.

Aggravated Assault in Massachusetts: Definition, Types, Penalties, and the Importance of Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney
Assault is a serious crime that involves intentionally causing or attempting to cause harm to another person. When the assault is carried out with a weapon or causes serious bodily injury, it is